Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Response to Loving a Disappearing Image

"Loving a Disappearing Image," reminded me of a conversation I distinctly remember having with a friend on the beach in LA, about his ex girlfriend and the magical instances that had together during their time with one another, and then his profound question afterwards of: "Where does it all go?" In the same essence, you know you loved someone, and they know it too and vice versa, and although it disappeared, does it really ever leave? 

In a more crude and literal sense, this reminds me of the fact of having sex with someone and being friends afterwards. You see them now, and you both know that you two had sex and what it was like, but the sex has in essence "disappeared" although it existed, and the two bodies still exist, but it is gone whether still longed for or not. 

To reign this back into death in regards to the comparison of a deteriorating image with our own deteriorating bodies, our bodies die and many believe our souls live on. Will our memories be with us, or will we leave those materials behind much like the image exits itself? I know it is a bit far fetched to use the image as an example of transcendence into another realm, but would the memory of the image transcend within ourselves? I think that is for the person loving the disappearing image to decide. 

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